Monday 7 November 2016

Scooter Day

Ready to go!

First we checked our helmets were on right.
Fit two fingers between your chin and helmet strap to make it fit just right. 

Then we named the parts of a scooter.

Zoom! We are off!

Weaving through the cones.

We practiced stopping at a zebra crossing and walking across the crossing. 

We used the break to stop.  

For am emergency stop jump off with two feet.

 We are learning to watch where we are going as we steer.

We finished with a quiz to see what we had learnt.

We had SO much scooter fun!
We continued to use our scooters around the courts at morning tea and lunch time. 

Sunday 6 November 2016

Book week

Check out some of what we did during Book Week!

Ocean Jelly

We have been learning about animals that live in the water. 

We decided to make our own ocean scenes. 

What you will need:

  • Blue jelly
  • Green jelly
  • Marshmallows
  • Raisins
  • Snake lollies
  • Sprinkles

  1. Make the jelly.
  2. Pour the jelly into bowls. Blue jelly for the water. Green jelly for slime or grass/land.
  3. Push a snake lolly into the jelly to create a sea snake or eel.
  4. Place the marshmallow on the top for a turtle shell. Use the raisins for the turtles arms, legs, head and tail. 
  5. Use remaining raisins for small fish. 
  6. Sprinkle over star shaped sprinkles for sea stars (starfish) and dolphin shaped sprinkles for dolphins and rectangle sprinkles for bright coloured coral.
  7. Enjoy!