Sunday 29 May 2016

Science in a van

Science in a van visited today. We really enjoyed the experiments. 
Gravity made the beads fall all over Ms Whittaker.

Toilet paper flew across the hall. 

The scientists were funny!

We saw small bubble,

and big bubbles, 

and HUGE bubbles!

When you put two or more things together, you make a mixture.

We all helped to shake the mixture.

We made a cloud in a bottle.

 Some people got to help. They caught a bubble in their hands. It was a foamy cloudy bubble.

The last experiment was making bubbles using helium. 
They floated to the ceiling.
Are helium bubbles lighter or heaver than air?

Thursday 26 May 2016

Bug Smoothies

We enjoyed making and drinking Kale smoothies.

I had a juicy smoothie.

We then made bug smoothies.

I had sticks and a leaf.

I had leaves.

I had blue flowers and brown sticks. 

I had some leaves for my smoothie.

We hope the bugs enjoyed their smoothies as much as we enjoyed making them.

Friday 20 May 2016

Number hunt

Room 3 went on a number hunt. 

We explored the school to see what numbers we could find. 

Can you spot the numbers in these photos?

 What numbers can you see?

 We learnt that numbers are everywhere!

We are looking forward to learning more about numbers so we can read bigger numbers as we find them in the world around us. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Dressing up

Room 3 read a story about dressing up and 'I am' sentences. 

Look at the clever 'I am' sentences. 

I am a pirate.

I am a princess.

I am a princess.

I am playing with playdough.

I am doing an alphabet puzzle.